The same time that I went to see the Valentino exhibition I also went to see the Hollywood costume exhibition at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London. I was really worried because the tickets had been sold out online so I was concerned I wasn't going to get in to see the exhibition especially when we got there early and there was already a queue! It was all ok though, we got in! Unfortunately no photos were allowed to be taken :( (so these photos are not my own.) I really liked seeing the iconic costumes up close that are from very famous and well known films. It made me want to go buy lots of films to watch again, one of my favourites being Wizard of Oz and the Moulin Rouge costume worn by Nicole Kidman.

I loved seeing the little details up close and seeing things you might not have noticed while watching the films. How to the extent some films have faked it to make certain fabrics or embellishments look richer and real when really they are made out something cheap.
This was especially apparent in a dress from the film Camelot, Guinevere's dress worn by Vanessa Redgrave, had hand sewn pumpkin seeds decorating it and the train. It looks so beautiful and delicate you wouldn't have known it was pumpkin seeds unless u looked really closely and that was after being told what they were.
The Bride Wore Red worn by Joan Crawford as Anni Pavlovitch
Samson and Delilah
A Room with a View worn by Keira Knightly and Helena Bonham Carter
102 Dalmations good and bad Cruella Deville
The Philadelphia Story - Katherine Hepburn and Breakfast at Tiffany's - Audrey Hepburn
Bugsy and Funny Girl
Basic Instinct
Superman 4
Saturday Night Fever
The Seven Year Itch
The Wizard of Oz
Twilight Saga, New Moon
Kill Bill
The Birds
Taxi Driver
The Iron Lady
Mamma Mia
Brokeback Mountain
Dream Girls
The Circus
The Queen
Fight Club
Addams Family
Addams Family
Elizabeth: The Golden Age
Shakespeare in Love
The exhibition ends tomorrow so if you get the chance go see it for yourself if you are interested in film and costumes!
Hello! Wow, what a superb exhibition. I love so many of these films and it would be an amazing experience to see all of these garments in real life. :D
I know! Such beautiful work!