I am so pleased with this picture taken by David Lam of my first outfit. I love how all the blues and blacks work well together and the burst of red from the lips and beret.
I've decided as my theme is Charles Darwin and his theory of evolution, I am going to make my collection be about evolution through the life cycle of a person. Many of the items I looked at for shapes and textures were animals stuffed for taxidermy and placed inside glass boxes and jars. I thought even though these are really beautiful creatures, I still felt a bit sad that they are dead. And it got me thinking about how they are placed to be put on show forever in a glass case, imprisoned forever, even in death. The last outfit will be based upon this premise, and the first one will be about creation and birth and purity. The outfit pictured is outfit 3. Half way in the middle of the cycle, metamorphosing into a new creature (caterpillar into a butterfly). Everything about this outfit has a half and half feel, the dip dyeing, the gold on the mussels, transforming into something new. It is still quite pure but something is changing...
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